Thursday, May 03, 2012

what i like to snack on and welcome to may!

May is an awesome month. Not just because it's my birthday month...ok, you're right. it's the main reason why May is the best, but it also means that summer is just around the corner (it also means #smoothieaday - but I forgot mine yesterday, oops!!)

As if I didn't wear lulu's all the time already, but warm weather gives me a whole new reason to wear every pair of capri/crop I got going on under the sun! Wunder unders were eyeing me in the store the other day...I think I need a new pair, just because! Plus, they rock and are so comfy! (as I wear a pair right now!)

They're my fav wear everyday crop from lulu.

And what goes good with great everyday clothing? Good snacks to keep you looking good in that everyday clothing.

Here are just a few snacks I've had lately that are mighty tasty.

I wanted to share this first one with you; my take on 'peaches and cream.'

An organic peach cut up with vanilla coconut milk yogurt - as good as the 'tradition' cream part of the peaches and cream.

Another good springy thing I will start incorporating more are salads. I looooove this kale salad, and seriously can't remember why I haven't made it in so long. I guess it was the whole winter thing - doesn't really make you crave salads as much. But with the farmer's market starting up again this weekend, I will be filling up on my fair share of local kale from now on! I made this a few nights ago, and it didn't even last 24 hours. The only downfall: major garlic breath, but so worth it.

I just bought non-dairy cream cheese for the first time (mainly because I was missing cream cheese in my life and I just happened to be in Whole Foods on Saturday!).

I'm very impressed with Tofutti!! They really know how to make a good non-dairy cream cheese. Paired with it, I got Silverhill 'Herb's Garlic' bagels. These bagels are pretty much the bomb at 15g of protein per bagel. Plus, they taste delicious!

Unfortunately, I finished the last bagel yesterday after my 7 mile run, but I definitely think I needed it after that distance. It's the longest distance I've ran in a while. Before it, it was just 5's and one 6.

And yet again, I cannot get enough pancakes!! I made these two mornings in a row. Did without the PB and went hardcore with the berries (raspberry and blueberry). With real maple syrup, these pancakes make my life!

Plus, they keep you stuffed for hours...or maybe I just overeat them. Hmm...

I know this isn't a snack per se, but I've been enjoying iced teas and lemonades in my Starbucks cup that I got over the Christmas break and hardly use. Well, now I'm using it! ;)

And of course I'm loving smoothies, as well (although unpictured!)

Those are just a few snacks I'm enjoying lately!!

QUESTION: What snacks are YOU loving lately?!?!